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Image by Benjamin Davies
Mandy Owen


Hey! Thanks so much for visiting my site, I am honored to have you here! My heart is to help you understand what God is speaking to you AND equip you to have that understanding for yourself in the future! Thanks again for taking the time to learn more about me and possibly giving me the chance to learn more about you!

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My Story

Mandy's story is a powerful story of overcoming horrific life events to be molded into God's image.  


Mandy accepted Jesus Christ as her Lord and Savior at a very young age and had an immediate love relationship with God. She does not ever remember a time in her life that she didn’t love God. As a child she had gifts that she did not understand and would have dreams and visions that no one could explain. Her parents  took her to a doctor to try to figure out why she was seeing things, but no one could really help her understand what she was experiencing. In the early years of her life the enemy constantly looked for ways to destroy her from, childhood sexual abuse, to marital abuse that almost killed her, drug addiction, and a season of feeling inadequate or different that felt like a lifetime. The attacks of the enemy tried to destroy her through the open doors of trauma in her life. She powerfully overcame the enemy through Jesus Christ who led her into a deep level of Love and Forgiveness. Love and Forgiveness became the launching pad of the supernatural work of God in her life. As she learned to embrace her gifts, she was able to help others walk out forgiveness in their life as well as lead them into understanding the hidden language of God.

500 Terry Francine Street
San Francisco, CA 94158

Opening Hours

Mon - Fri: 9am - 6pm
​​Saturday: 10am - 2pm
​Sunday: Closed

Mandy Owen

Mandy Owen

Mandy Owen
Born Dreamers!!!

Born Dreamers!!!

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What Lies Have We Believed?

What Lies Have We Believed?

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Vampire Slayers - Dracula’s Castle

Vampire Slayers - Dracula’s Castle

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Mandy lives in Texas with her Husband Marc, her children, and grandchildren. She is a speaker, prophetic voice, dream interpreter, and author. Through her God Given seer and prophetic gifts she speaks life into the body of Christ. She is running the race God gave her with a goal to fulfill 100% of God's purpose for her life as a servant of the Kingdom of God. 

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